Here are the speakers we hosted for the fourth session of our “Climate Change in the Southeast” series, February 3, 2012, which focused on solutions and research needs. Click on each video to stream it in your browser. (Quicktime required)
Marshall Shepherd:
“Climate Change: facts, figures and research needs” (39:42)
“Climate Change: facts, figures and research needs” (39:42)
Todd Rasmussen:
“Changing rainfall patterns and water policy” (17:42)
“Changing rainfall patterns and water policy” (17:42)
Richard Watson:
“Energy Informatics” (14:37)
“Energy Informatics” (14:37)
Mark Boudreau:
“Building Resilience among Farmers: Lessons from the Underserved Community” (16:56)
“Building Resilience among Farmers: Lessons from the Underserved Community” (16:56)
David Stooksbury:
“Wind energy” (18:22)
“Wind energy” (18:22)
Peter Brosius:
“Communicating Climate Change to Break the Barriers” (14:19)
“Communicating Climate Change to Break the Barriers” (14:19)
Panel Discussion: Todd Rasmussen, Richard Watson, Mark Boudreau, David Stooksbury, Peter Brosius